Tag: social networking
5 Vital Tips to Get More Traffic to your Blog from Social Media
Why should you bother a lot about traffic from Social Media? Based on Statista data, revealed in March 2015, these are the approximate numbers of active users in different social media networks: Facebook – 1,415,000,000 LinkedIn – 347,000,000 Google+ – 300,000,000 Twitter – 288,000,000 Tremendous numbers! Just to compare: The population of USA is something…
7 Tips to use social media in selling process
Social Media is a term which easily gets associated with any individual these days. These days, life is fast paced, we lack the required time & energy to indulge ourselves in every single detail be it in the domain of day to day activities, establishing connections with our peer groups and in various others ways.…
11 Facts About Pinterest and the Power of Social Sales
Pinterest has been grabbing the attention of your customers since it first launched in March 2010. Since that time, its growth has continued, reaching 70 million users in July 2013. This visual discovery tool is a force to be reckoned with, and your customers are the ones using this site. This begs the question: Is…
5 Mistakes Businesses Make On Twitter
To follow up on Jen’s recent post about Twitter’s eight-year anniversary, I thought I’d compile a short list of mistakes that businesses regularly make on Twitter. Twitter is one of those platforms that everyone thinks they should be on, but that few people take advantage of in a way that can actually benefit their business.…
10 Ways to Use Social Media in Event Marketing
Our recent post ‘Event Marketing: 5 Ways to Promote Your Next Event or Conference‘ received some great feedback. So this week, we delve deeper into what it is to market an event or conference, this time focusing on how to use social media in event marketing in 10 ways: 1) Make the Most of Your…
20 Ways to Rank a Website.
Page ranking has a direct impact on your popularity. The most popular brands are the ones that are ranked highly by search engines, while the lowest ranked are least popular. Very popular brands are more trusted by customers than less popular brands, and this always has an impact on the profitability of your business. Ranking…