Category: eBusiness Tips

  • SEO vs SEM vs SMM.

    These three terms have been thrown around a a lot, and often used alongside each other. SEO and SEM have often been used interchangeably. So what’s the deal with these concepts? How are they alike, and how exactly are they different? Search Engine Optimization (SEO) SEO refers to the techniques and strategies used to increase…

  • Protect Your Website from the Next Search Engine Update.

    Everyone in the SEO industry is waiting for the next Google Penguin update to hit. Penguin first went live in April and was a radical wake-up call to many site owners, going after sites with poor quality back link profiles, an overuse of exact-match anchor text and other web spam tactics designed to trick the…

  • Top Internet Marketing Tips for the New Business.

    Internet marketing is place where the enterprises promote their products or services online. Mostly this type of marketing strategy is used to communicate the enterprise’s message about its services online. It may sell goods, services, or marketing. Types of internet marketing are search engine optimization, search engine marketing, email marketing, affiliate marketing, mobile marketing, and…

  • How to figure out why your emails are getting delivered to spam.

    This is a guide I have put together for people who have newsletter lists or communicate with customers. Its not at all a guide for any sort of mass email deployers (spammers). Over the last 2 months or so I have written over 250+ emails for our PAR clients. Most of our clients have us…

  • No Follow vs. Do Follow Links

    No Follow vs. Do Follow Links. The general consensus in the SEO industry is that link building should only ever be done from ‘do follow’ sites. There is solid logic behind this thinking, and it makes sense that you would want to spend time building links from sites that allow spiders to follow. Google even…

  • Selecting the Right Domain Name: Six Steps to Use.

    If you’re gearing up to start a new website, you probably already know what the first step is going to be – finding a domain name. Now, you don’t want to just set out and get the first domain name that you come across, but instead, you’re going to want to get a domain name…

  • 20 Ways to Rank a Website.

    Page ranking has a direct impact on your popularity. The most popular brands are the ones that are ranked highly by search engines, while the lowest ranked are least popular. Very popular brands are more trusted by customers than less popular brands, and this always has an impact on the profitability of your business. Ranking…

  • Best SEO Tools For Firefox Browsers.

    I’m always surprised at the lack of users using SEO browser extensions. These are helpful not only to efficiently manage your own website, but to provide insights into those of your competitors. So I’ve compiled a list of the best browser extensions for Firefox. Keep in mind, however, the more you add the more it…

  • Managing Product Pages for SEO.

    One of the unique SEO problems that e-commerce websites face is that their products can be constantly changing. This means that new product pages are being added, content is being tweaked and discontinued or out of stock product pages are being taken down. This kind of product page turnover can actually hinder your SEO in…

  • 5 Ways to Attract Links in Boring Niches.

    Bringing readers to a website that focuses on a niche only loved by its narrow band of strict adherents can be an almost insurmountable task given the limited audience and likely robust competition from other websites. Leading to pages upon pages of well-written but unread web content, a boring niche can make plugging ahead and…