Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
RSS ro Google+ Poster Has Been Added to RSS Ground
Following the numerous requests from you and our own intention a new RSS to Google+ Poster has been added to RSS Ground arsenal! The set of RSS Ground posters would never look finished without Google+ poster. Since Google+ is one of the most popular social networks we consider it to be a vital necessity to…
How to Find the Best Affiliate Programs in Your Niche
In my recent post on how to research a niche one of the topics I glazed over was checking for the presence of multiple affiliate programs. Assuming you’ve found a niche idea that passed the research litmus test (or are already in a niche), it’s time to dig deep to find the best affiliate programs…
8 Amazingly Free Web Design Tools!
Why buy expensive web design software when you don’t have to? In this post I’m going to show your how to design, develop, and manage a new website project using nothing but free tools. Don’t you love the internet? These tools are totally free, totally legit, and totally amazing. Once you get your web design…
Why Site Speed Is So Important?
The Internet and Mobile devices have increased the speed at which consumers can get access to information; this increased speed has caused people to expect an almost instantaneous delivery of their digital information. If people don’t get their information in a reasonable amount of time, they quickly move on to something else that is more…
Link Building vs Content Marketing
A lot of businesses make the mistake of thinking that certain SEO techniques can’t possibly lose their edge. Ask any company that relied on blog commenting, forum signatures and other shady SEO techniques of yesteryear about this mistake and you’ll earn a few nasty looks and a lengthy tirade for your troubles. The fact is…
How to Build White Hat Links to Affiliate Sites
Don’t you hate it when you read about a cool link building strategy but realize that you can’t use it because you run an affiliate site. “That’s fine for a Fortune 500?, you say to yourself. “But that won’t work for me. I guess it’s time to drop a few more blog comments!” Webmaster’s Note:…
How To Build Links The Easy Way When You Just Starting Out
It`s not easy to drive your site to the top of the search engines when you`re just starting out. All these popular bloggers will tell you to build amazing backlinks. They can maybe get backlinks from some of the biggest and most popular sites in the world, but you don`t have a chance in hell…
How to Reduce Your Bounce Rate
Why are customers leaving your Website? If you are watching your Google Analytics, you can tell how long your customers are staying on your Web pages and reading the information. If your “Bounce Rate” is high, your customers are not sticking around long enough to purchase your products and services. This is not good. So…
PPC Marketing On A Small Budget
When it comes to internet marketing, one of the things you should think about is PPC marketing. This is a great way to get your website seen and visited more often. The issue that many people have is that the cost of PPC marketing can add up quickly. This is why it is helpful to…
Got any book recommendations?