Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • 5 Mistakes Businesses Make On Twitter

    To follow up on Jen’s recent post about Twitter’s eight-year anniversary, I thought I’d compile a short list of mistakes that businesses regularly make on Twitter. Twitter is one of those platforms that everyone thinks they should be on, but that few people take advantage of in a way that can actually benefit their business.…

  • Money Cannot Always Buy You Great Ranks in SERP

    A strange problem seems to have cropped up in the world of marketing. You will find many of the small business owners keeping their face sagged and complaining almost always that it is the budget crunch that does not let them make their mark on the social media and all other platforms of search marketing.…

  • Why Your Marketing Needs To Be Cool

    There’s a classic scene in Pulp Fiction where Samuel L. Jackson’s character yells to the woman holding up the diner, “[Yolanda], be cool!” (Only he substitutes a disparaging word for females in place of “Yolanda,” but we can sacrifice accuracy in the name of keeping it clean.) How does Jules Winnifeld’s angry exclamation relate to…

  • What is our link strategy and how do we stay on top of Google’s changes?

    Transcript Ty Kilgore here. I just wanted to answer a couple questions about our link strategy and also how we at Fluid Advertising stay on top of the Google algorithm and best practices with Google. First I want to talk about our link strategy. One of the things that we factor in to our link…

  • 5 Essential Ways to Attract Customers to Your Online Store

    No matter if you already have your online store for some time or you are just starting your adventure with ecommerce – you won’t succeed unless you can attract clients to your e-business. Of course, that sounds like it is easier said than done – acquiring users for an online store may be really difficult…

  • Email Marketing That Works

    Email marketing can be a highly beneficial arm of your digital marketing campaign, but there is absolutely no point in sending out a promotional email each week or month if your recipients are pinging it straight to the spam folder or trash before even opening it. So how do you create emails that grab (and…

  • Content Marketing vs Content Strategy

    At the risk of getting Inside Baseball on you, I want to call out something first brought to my attention in the most recent episode of “PNR: This Old Marketing.” That something is a debate by the show’s hosts Joe Pulizzi and Robert Rose over the meanings of “content marketing” vs. “content strategy,” inspired by…

  • Several new features were added to RSS Ground tools

    More new features were added to RSS posters and Amazon RSS feeds Generator at RSS Ground. Read more…

  • 5 Vital Things You’re Not Sharing on Social Media

    When clients come to me with reputation management problems, one of the first steps I take involves shutting down and cleaning up their social media sites. Striking negative comments and obliterating embarrassing photographs is Job 1, when it comes to limiting the damage a client might face. But when the dust has cleared, these clients…

  • WordPress 3.8 released

    WordPress 3.8 released Last week, Matt Mullenweg over at WordPress.org wrote a post about the current state of WordPress 3.8, which should be on track to be released today – 12 December 2013. Release Candidate 2 was released earlier in the week and is likely to be the version that is released. So, what can…

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