Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • 5 Major SEO Mistakes You Should Avoid

    Before I start telling you about these SEO mistakes, let’s take a look on what has happened in SEO world in recent months:- On October 17, 2014 Google rolled out Penguin 3.0 (The algorithm penalizing websites with spam backlinks) On September 23, 2014 Google refreshed Panda 4.0 (The algorithm penalizing websites with spam & low…

  • Is Viral Content Always Successful Content?

    It’s an incredibly exciting thing to see something you’ve created go viral. It means people find it so important that they’re sharing it with anyone who’ll listen. It means you’ll be enjoying an unprecedented influx of traffic, and that both your name and the brand you represent will be – if only for a brief…

  • 7 Things All Great Brands Have In Common

    A business’s brand is the way people perceive that business – in essence your brand is your business. Brands and perceptions of brands are created in a number of manners – from your messaging on social media, to your website design and content. A holistic approach is a winning approach when it comes to branding,…

  • Why Blog? Not Just Because Your SEO Tells You To

    If you are a small business owner, you should really consider blogging. Why blog? Well before you groan, throw your hands over your face, and tell me you really don’t like to write, don’t have time to write, or any other excuse, just listen to why. Here are nine really good reasons why you should…

  • Why You Should Avoid Numbers in Your URL

    While linkbait posts aren’t as popular as they once were, top 10 lists have been popular ever since Moses came down from the mount with his top 10 list of “thou shalt nots.” Magazines like Rolling Stone will always have top 500 playlists and AFI will always publish top 100 movies lists.     However,…

  • 7 Proven Strategies to Drive More Traffic to Your Website

    The first thing to do when you launch a new blog is to produce content. You’ve been told that ‘content is king’ and as long as you produce ‘excellent pieces of content’ traffic will come. Well, sorry, but attracting traffic is not that straightforward. A lack of traffic is one of the most common challenges…

  • The 8 Best Places to Find Free Photos for Your Blog

    If you’ve been blogging for a while, you probably already know how important it is to break up those big blocks of text with images. Since our brains process visual information 60,000 times faster than text, a well-placed photo can help get your point across and keep your readers engaged. But what do you do…

  • A 6-Step Guide for Repurposing Content

    People consume content in a myriad of ways: they can read it, they can hear it, they can watch it. And everyone has a preference for how they’d like to consume their content. So, marketers, are you creating content in the format your audience prefers? repurposing blog contentNot only does repurposing content generate media for…

  • How to Contact Other Blog Owners for Link Building

    Today we’re going to go over a method that is unlike any other method you have read online. We are not going to go over any ruses to trick other web owners into linking to us, or any strategies that may become outdated in the future. Instead, we’re going to go over how you can…

  • Why Affiliate Marketing is Better Than Google AdSense

    There are several ways of monetizing a website. But Google AdSense and affiliate marketing enjoy the most popular status. Lets pick the better option. What Is Google Adsense ? Google AdSense is the biggest online advertisement program. You basically lease out ad spaces on your site to Google and Google further allocates them to the…

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